This test should only take 10 minutes


This test should only take 10 minutes

You scored 15 out of 100

Each day your existing brand if left as it is, will cost you money.
Consider a rebrand and call Richard to discuss on 09 445 7444


  • 76-100

    Your brand is great, leave it as it is! Speak to us now about how
    to maintain that advantage.

  • 51-75

    Looks like your brand could do with some attention. Acting sooner
    rather than later could be more cost-effective and long lasting.
    Give Richard a call on 09 445 7444

  • 26-50

    Your brand is becoming detached from your target audience. Time for a
    review. Give Richard a call on 09 445 7444

  • 0-25

    Each day your existing brand if left as it is, will cost you money.
    Consider a rebrand and call Richard to discuss on 09 445 7444

  1. Has your business change in the last 3 years?

  2. Has your client base changed in the last 3 years?

  3. When did you last brand/rebrand your business?

  4. On as scale of 1-5 (5 being happiest), how happy are you with your websites performance?

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